Canoeing and Kayaking

Kayak Vert

From Fontaine de Vaucluse to L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Kayak Vert undertook to make you taste the joys of canoeing and offers a descent of the Sorgue 8 km.

Transport is available upon request.
Approximate length of the activity: 2 hours

Adult Off Season: €26 (14 years and over)
Adult July/August: €28 (14 years and over)
Group: €22 per person (from 15 adults)
Privilege Tour: €65 per person, all-inclusive guided descent, 5 canoes maximum (so approximately 15 people)
Open from May 15 to September 14 every day for descents of the Sorgue.

Canoe Collias 

Near Uzès, descend the Gorges du Gardon, the river will take you from Collias to Pont-du-Gard along 8 to 31 kilometers of river depending on how long you wish the activity to last.
Dazzling. Perfect for the family. You will pass imperceptibly under the Pont du Gard.

8km course is open all year around. 
Transport: on request
Duration of activity: 2 hours
Prices: Adulte €25, Teenager (13 to 17 years old) €19 and children (6 to 12 years old) €13

TARIFS PREFERENTIELS SERONT APPLIQUES POUR MAS AMOR -10% pour Kayak Vert en attente des tarifs de canoe

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